[3830] NA7ID CQ 160 SSB Multiop (Low Power!)

k7zo at micron.net k7zo at micron.net
Sun Mar 1 21:42:47 EST 1998

                        CQ 160 SSB SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : NA7ID
        Operators : K7ZO, W7ZRC, KK7A, K7MK, KC7DPD

         Category : Multioperator (Low Power)
          Location: IDAHO

 Default Exchange : 59 Idaho

 Team/Club : Southwest Idaho Contest Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160SSB     300         295        700      44         4 

 Totals      300         295        700      44         4 

    Final Score = 33,600 points.
    Total Time ~17 hours of very casual operating.

The Southwest Idaho Contest Club decided to band together and do a 
multi-op in the 160 test. W7ZRC provided the station with a 1/4 
wave vertical and a TS-950SDX. Problem was, no one has an amp that 
works on 160M. So, off we went as probably the only low power 
multiop entry. Too bad there is not a category as such.

When we started organizing for the contest we thought 300 Q's 
would a good show. Just the right amount of partying and the right 
amount of working the bands. And, that is right where we ended up. 
With low power and a fairly noisy residential location, it was 
hard for us to work out of the Northwest, as you can see in the 
distributions below. If could have been worse. Until a couple 
weeks before the test the one remaining farmer in the area had a 
real bad fencer generating S9+10 noise across 160. All it took was 
one call by W7ZRC and they quite obligingly turned it off. As the 
wife said: "If really messes up our AM radio anyway." Amazing, I 
wish all RFI problems could be solved this easy.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun, drank some beer, talked the night 
away, and gave out Idaho to the deserving. This was the first wide 
use of our club call, NA7ID. We had several comments that it was a 
pretty neat call. We also had several do everything they could to 
turn it into "AA7ID". And, I think several entered us in their 
logs that way. We seemed to have quite a few dupes call in when we 
were CQ'ing. This either means they were not logging or they had 
us entered wrong. 

See you next year.


   1.           Ca   67
   2.           Wa   29
   3.           Az   22
   4.           Or   17
   5.           Co   13
   6.           Tx   13
   7.          vE7   10
   8.           Id   10
   9.           Ut    9
  10.           Il    9
  11.           Mn    9
  12.           Mt    7
  13.          vE6    6
  14.           Wy    5
  15.           Ia    5
  16.           Nm    4
  17.           XE    4
  18.          KH6    4
  19.           Pa    4
  20.           Nv    3
  21.           Ok    3
  22.           Oh    3
  23.           Wi    3
  24.           Ky    3
  25.           Ks    2
  26.          vE5    2
  27.           In    2
  28.           Tn    2
  29.           Ga    2
  30.           Ar    2
  31.           Va    2
  32.           Ma    2
  33.           Nj    2
  34.           Sd    1
  35.          vE4    1
  36.           Fl    1
  37.           Mo    1
  38.           Sc    1
  39.           Ms    1
  40.          vE3    1
  41.           Ny    1
  42.           KL    1
  43.           Ct    1
  44.           Mi    1
  45.           Nd    1
  46.           TI    1
  47.           Wv    1
  48.           Ne    1

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