[3830] ARRL CW IR4D SO 15m. HP (correction)

Pietro Pietro
Tue Mar 3 19:23:45 EST 1998

                ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: IR4D                     Country: ITALY 
      Mode: CW                       Category: SO/SB/HP

      160          0            0                         0
       80           0            0                         0
       40           0            0                         0
       20           0            0                         0
       15        654     1962                      56
       10           0            0                         0

     Totals   654     1962                       56   =   109.872

OP : IK4MED - Dario

Equipment:   TS930s + Ampli
                       6EL. YAGI 15m.

I'm sorry to Everybody.
Thank you Bob!
73 de Pietro-IK4MTF  ik4fourmtf at bigfoot.com

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