Dainius Savicius LY1DS at perkunas.omnitel.net
Mon Mar 9 02:07:28 EST 1998

 Someone said:
   "If you are quick, you can be in the Top Ten for about an hour..." 

               ARRL DX SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 07-Mar-98, 08-Mar-98            Time on: ~23 hours
    Callsign Used : LY1DS


 BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80SSB      41          41        123      16 
   40SSB     135         134        402      30 
   20SSB     579         572       1716      54 
   15SSB     345         337       1011      36 

 Totals     1100        1084       3252     136 

    Final Score = 442272 points.

    RIG: TS850 + Amp (1 KW);   ANTs: KT34A & wires.     

 Very strong signals from West Coast on 40 meters on Sunday morning        
 (W7AT - the loudest). But, because of many broadcast stations was very 
 difficult to found more or less clear freq above 7150.        
 Both mornings was a lot of good music (all trend's). :-)
 Was funny to listen to KB1SO under "Boyzone".                  
 Also was nice to see 15 meters open on Sunday.           

 73,  Dan LY1DS / LY6M

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