[3830] K1TO S/O Assisted

K1to K1to at aol.com
Sun Mar 8 20:23:44 EST 1998

K1TO Single Op Assisted 

160 - 6/5      Inv-L (only 45' vertical)
75 - 34/27    Inv vee at 80'
40 - 75/43    Inv vee at 48'
20 - 266/83  4L at 93' fixed at Eu., TA-33 fixed S at 18'
15 - 864/109 4L at 100" fixed Eu, 4L rotary at 50', TA-33
10 - 112/23   TA-33 fixed S at 18'
total - 1357/290 = 1,179,720
24 hours
Florida Contest Group 

Spent more time spotting guys ("de K4OJ" was the signature) than
working them.  24 hours of SSB exceeds my tolerance level. 
Caribbean is difficult from FL on 10/15!

73, Dan

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