[3830] N5ZC ARRL PH

Richard Thorne rthorne at arn.net
Sun Mar 8 21:17:47 EST 1998

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Sure is different to do dx contests from this part of the country.  It
was a struggle to work Europe but easy to work Japan.  It was just the
opposite from Raleigh, NC.

Never could get a run going except to Japan in the afternoon/evening.
These runs were not great but it helped the qso total.  I worked
everything I heard.  The neat part was beating out the east coast on
calls to several european and african multipliers.  I guess it was

I was pleased with the 40 meter results with my 2 element beam.  I don't
have too many q's as I shut down early both nights.  Friday night
because I was shot, Saturday night do to blizzard like conditions. ( my
station is at my office and thought I was better off home).

Looking forward to the next one.

Richard Thorne - N5ZC (ex KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
Amarillo, TX

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                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: N5ZC                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator
      Power: 1000                    Section : West Texas


      160        0        0   0.0        0
       80       14       42   3.0       10
       40       61      183   3.0       33
       20      168      498   3.0       73
       15      375     1122   3.0       86
       10       82      246   3.0       28

     Totals    700     2091   3.0      230  =   480,930

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:  10 : C4XL and C3 Stack, WX0B StackMatch
                        15 : Same
                        20 : Same
                        40 : C4XL
                        80 : Sloping Dipole (4 square in the works)
                        160: Inverted L (Didn't work, too much noise)


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