[3830] AA3B ARRL SSB SOA High Power All Band

The Trench Family cwtrench at sprynet.com
Tue Mar 10 02:38:18 EST 1998

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: AA3B                     Country:  United States - EPA
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Unlimited - HP


      160       14       42   3.0       13
       80      138      414   3.0       55
       40      153      459   3.0       66
       20      378     1134   3.0       90
       15      449     1347   3.0      104
       10      142      426   3.0       39

     Totals   1274     3822   3.0      367  =   1,402,674

40 Hours of Operation

All reports sent were 59.

Equipment Description:

 Station #1: TS 940S / HF2500
 Station #2: TS 830S / SB230

 160M: Inv Vee @ 60'
 80M: Inv Vee @ 55' and Inv L Box
 40M Inv Vee @ 50' and 3 el wire beam up 45' fixed on Europe
 20/15/10M: A3 at 70'

Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

This was my second best ARRL DX Score ever, second only to my 1991
effort.  I beat my 1997 score by 3 dB!

Conditions here were great, with Sunday being the better of the two
days.  Conditions on 20 and 15 were outstanding both days featuring
nice, long openings to Europe.  We had an exciting JA opening on 15
meters on Sunday afternoon and plenty of South American stations on 10
meters throughout the daylight hours.  My 160M totals were lower than in
past years, probably because I was having so much fun on 80 in the
evening hours.

I spent most of the contest in a search and pounce mode, although I did
enjoy several short lived runs on 20, 15 and 80.  Many of us spent
Sunday afternoon chasing any new call sign spotted on the FRC / PVRC
packet cluster, and I suspect that several DX stations were astounded to
find themselves on the receiving side of a packet induced pile ups.

My connection to the FRC / PVRC cluster was unreliable and found that I
was frequently disconnected during times of heavy traffic.  I spent a
lot of the contest in a listen only mode, which was frustrating -
especially when I ran across a new multiplier.

73 Bud AA3B

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