[3830] K2SX SOA SSB Score

Dennis B McAlpine k2sx at juno.com
Mon Mar 9 21:45:57 EST 1998

K2SX score for ARRL SSB
14 hours
Bd    QSOs  Mult
80      47         29
40     53          40
20    174        71
15    204       87
10      73        31
Total 551       258     =  426,479

Eqmt : Ts-850, Al-1200 (600w to prevent TVI), Butternut HF-6V on porch

Nw I remember why I hate SSB with small antennas.  Never cud call CQ and
get resonses, even on a clear freq, which was even rarer than rare
countries.  Got frustrated by not breaking the pile-up but even worse was
when the station I called just came back and called CQ agn. Ah, the life
of a cap pistol.

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