[3830] rate sheets and articles

Mike Fatchett mike at mallardcove.com
Mon Mar 9 17:23:25 EST 1998

Rate sheets please.

I have volunteered to help W4AN with his Contesting.Com page.  We would like
to get more rate sheets in.  If you  are in or near the top 20 please send
me your rate sheet and summary sheets.  I would prefer plain text
submissions only.  Email the sheets directly to me and I will get them
posted to the web page.

We are also looking for contest related articles on all aspects of
contesting.  Articles can be long or short.  Have you designed an antenna,
switchbox, beverage, 2 radio box, figured out how to go without sleep for
days,  found the best food for contesting, etc... Write it up.  Nothing
fancy and we will put it up for all to see.  Once again please send them to
me and I will get them posted to the site.

This site is a great site because of the support of the contesting
community.  Thanks!  Are we missing anything?  What would you like to see?
We are open minded and would appreciate your input.

If you have not seen the site check it out at http://www.contesting.com.

<mike at mallardcove.com>

See you in the next contest!

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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