[3830] NQ4I ARRL SSB Score

Rick Dougherty NQ4I NQ4I at compuserve.com
Tue Mar 10 06:23:53 EST 1998

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Hi all...sure hate to even mention the same excuses as the last couple
contests...but it rained, and it stormed , and it thundered, and
lightninged ALL weekend long.....we got something in the area of 7-8 inch=
of rain over the weekend...the precip static was so intense that it was
useless to cq on 80...and there were times that all the other bands were
5x9+20 db of static...We had planned to do a Multi-multi , and had 6 ops
committed...had 3 no shows, and we started the contest as m-m anyway..non=
of us wanted to track band changes either (as K1KI post)....
The master himself was the primary op on 20m...K4BAI...did a great job
considering the circumstances...John was having some problems with the 20=
amp...the relay kept sticking.. and I would hear him banging on the case =
unstick it...hi....not nearly as many q's as we should have on 20m...and =
was a real struggle to get those...
I did the 40m and 80m stuff...with a 2 el yagi on 80...you would think we=

could make qso's...only worked the strongets eu's and the carribbeans...4=
m was a lot better..and the static was was not quite as bad...I also
covered 160m....what a waste there...hi
Jim, AD4J...his first time at the mm station....he covered 15m...did a
really nice job..(that means you are invited back Jim)...the wind got so
strong on Sunday that the 15m 8 el slipped on its mast 100 degrees..also
noticed that the top 20m 5 el now has a bent element...think I can reach =
from the tower...
Then there is 10m....Lee, WI4R was our 10m op...he came over part
time...thanks for the Espanol contacts...Lee speaks enough Spanish to get=

the job done...think that 10m was the only band we were slightly
   Lost an amp on 15m also that has a sticking relay...needs a new RJ1A
Once you see our score it is obvious that any good single op in the NE
could beat ours in a NY minute...hi...but it is the hard effort of 3 full=

time ops and 2 part timers...de Rick

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                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998=0D
      Call: NQ4I                     Country:  United States=0D
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi=0D
      160       13       39   3.0       10=0D
       80       75      225   3.0       42=0D
       40      167      501   3.0       64=0D
       20      755     2265   3.0      113=0D
       15      698     2094   3.0      116=0D
       10      218      654   3.0       49=0D
     Totals   1926     5778   3.0      394  =3D   2,276,532=0D
All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.=0D
Operator List: K4BAI,NQ4I,WI4R,AD4J,KE4WLP,KE4KXR________________________=
Equipment Description: 160/10 TS850S and Alpha 78, 75m TS930S and Alpha 7=
40m TS930S and Alpha 77, 20m TS850S and Alpha 78=0D
Antennas: Lots of Aluminum Junk on various Rohn towers=0D
Club Affiliation: SECC                    =0D
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated=0D
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have=0D
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.=0D
                             Signature _________________________________=0D=

           MAILING ADDRESS:=0D
               Rick Dougherty  NQ4I=0D
               1501 Cabin Creek Trail=0D
               Griffin, GA 30223-1618=0D


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