[3830] 97 ARRL SSB W9RE SOAB-UA (Long)

Michael Wetzel w9re at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 11 02:03:45 EST 1998


      Call: W9RE                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator
	    High Power			     : Unassisted
	      				     : 42 hours


      160       19       57   3.0       13
       80       93      279   3.0       48
       40      249      747   3.0       73
       20      995     2985   3.0      115
       15     1150     3450   3.0      107
       10       91      273   3.0       26

     Totals   2597     7791   3.0      382  =   2,976,162

Rig #1 IC-781, Alpha 76PA,
Rig #2 TS-930 and Alpha 78

Antenna:  160: 1/4 wave Vertical and 4 beverages (didn't do much good)
           80: Phased bobtails NE/SW, V-beam 500' on each leg-SE
               1/2 Sloper NW and beverages
           40: 3 ele full size at 170' and V-beam, (never turned beam SE)
           20: 5/5/5 at 175'/110'/50' NEW this year, 204BA at 60' fixed SE
           15: 4/4/4/4 at 160'/120'/80'/40', 
               5/5 razor beams (combo quad/yagi) at 100'/35' and 4 ele fixed SE
           10: 5/5 razor beams at 90'/55', 4 ele fixed SE
               4/4 130'/100' not used (only rotates from AF to JA) 

               Mike Wetzel  W9RE
               7880 Shelbyville Road
               Indianapolis, IN 46259

                              Continent Statistics
  W9RE   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST    Single Operator      8 Mar 1998  1700z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America     16   24   28   41   48   15  172     6.5
South America      3    6    9   34   40   73  165     6.2
Europe             0   57  138  633  732    0 1560    59.1
Asia               0    1   50  267  303    0  621    23.5
Africa             0    3    6   14   22    1   46     1.7
Oceania            0    2   18   21   33    3   77     2.9


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....     7/6     26/15    23/19    17/13     6/1     79/54   79/54 
   1      .      11/7      2/0     40/10     6/1       .      59/18  138/72 
   2      .        .       4/2     72/4       .        .      76/6   214/78 
   3     3/3      4/3      6/3     38/0       .        .      51/9   265/87 
   4      .      13/6     15/6      5/1       .        .      33/13  298/100
   5     4/4     14/6     10/6      2/1       .        .      30/17  328/117
   6     4/1      5/4     14/7      1/0       .        .      24/12  352/129
   7     1/1      4/3     15/4       .        .        .      20/8   372/137
   8     3/2      2/2     19/8     .....    .....    .....    24/12  396/149
   9     1/1      1/0     42/2       .        .        .      44/3   440/152
  10      .       3/2      6/2      2/2       .        .      11/6   451/158
  11      .        .       3/1     65/22      .        .      68/23  519/181
  12      .        .        .     107/11     5/3       .     112/14  631/195
  13      .        .        .     103/9     10/6       .     113/15  744/210
  14      .        .        .        .      95/18    14/6    109/24  853/234
  15      .        .        .        .     119/14    12/5    131/19  984/253
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....   110/8      6/3    116/11 1100/264
  17      .        .        .        .      76/3      4/3     80/6  1180/270
  18      .        .        .       1/1     39/11    11/2     51/14 1231/284
  19      .        .        .      28/3      3/2     21/2     52/7  1283/291
  20      .        .        .        .      27/7       .      27/7  1310/298
  21      .        .        .      14/3     49/2       .      63/5  1373/303
  22      .        .        .       2/1     91/0       .      93/1  1466/304
  23      .        .        .        .     114/4       .     114/4  1580/308
   0    .....    .....     1/1     39/7      2/0      1/0     43/8  1623/316
   1      .        .        .      59/3       .        .      59/3  1682/319
   2      .       2/0      1/1     33/0       .        .      36/1  1718/320
   3      .       7/0      9/0      3/2       .        .      19/2  1737/322
   4      .       1/0      2/0      4/1       .        .       7/1  1744/323
   5      .      16/6      8/5       .        .        .      24/11 1768/334
   6      .        .      10/2       .        .        .      10/2  1778/336
   7     2/1       .      20/3       .        .        .      22/4  1800/340
   8     1/0      1/1     22/2     .....    .....    .....    24/3  1824/343
   9      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   1824/343
  10      .        .       2/0      2/0       .        .       4/0  1828/343
  11      .       1/1       .      37/3       .        .      38/4  1866/347
  12      .        .        .      96/4       .        .      96/4  1962/351
  13      .        .        .      76/0       .        .      76/0  2038/351
  14      .        .        .      27/2     23/2      1/0     51/4  2089/355
  15      .        .        .       1/1    107/3       .     108/4  2197/359
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....    73/1      1/1     74/2  2271/361
  17      .        .        .        .      61/0       .      61/0  2332/361
  18      .        .        .        .      35/2      2/0     37/2  2369/363
  19      .        .        .       6/2     11/2      7/1     24/5  2393/368
  20      .        .        .      46/1      3/2       .      49/3  2442/371
  21      .        .        .      58/1       .        .      58/1  2500/372
  22      .        .        .       4/0     62/2      5/2     71/4  2571/376
  23      .       1/1     12/3      1/1     11/1       .      25/6  2596/382
DAY1    16/12    64/39   162/56   503/87   761/92    74/22    ..... 1580/308
DAY2     3/1     29/9     87/17   492/28   388/15    17/4       .   1016/74 
TOT     19/13    93/48   249/73  995/115 1149/107    91/26      .   2596/382

I started the contest out by hitting 10,15,20 and 40 during the first hour.
But only 1-JA on 15.  I concentrated on finding the JA opening on 20 as I
missed most of it on the CW weekend (only 50 JA's on 20on CW) so at 0154z I
worked my first JA on 20 and ran on 14.253 from 0136z to 0343z. During the
run a JT, HS1 and KH0 called in with last JA at 0341z.  0350z was the first
of very few q's on 160.  0601z first JA on 40 and I ran JA's for the first
or second time ever from 0904z to 0952z (q#400 to #438).
At 1040z I worked the first Eu on 20 and started running on 14.166 from
1139z (#470) to 1354z (#737).  I think it was at this time while trying to
find a freq that the first of 2 run ins with K5ZD (at time unknown op)
occurred.  Guess I should have figured out since the op ran me off that it
was not an east coast op (they usually ignore me since I don't present much
of a challenge on 20 anyway).  After the contest I see the op was Paul K9PG
had I known that at the time I would have given him a hard time for running
me off!  During run on 20 some good mults that called were 7Z, A92 and V73.
First Eu on 15 at 1239z on 2nd radio.  At 1355z (#738) I went to 15 for a
short run on 21.280 from 1404z (#754) to 1445z (#841) then I went to 10 for
serious working of LU's and just a few Carib and SA mults.  Back to 21.434
at 1526z (#903) till 1826z (#1222) during the time I did move 7Q7 to 20 (one
of a handful of successfull moves) worked a V51 on 15 and worked Jim ZD8Z on
10 at 1703z for only African on 10.  1903z back to 20 and first q is OD5.

At 2126z(#1342) I start on 21.212 beaming JA and stay on that freq till
2357z (#1598) with one hour of 114.  Mults that called in were KL7!, 9Z4,
HL, and DU.  Last JA at 2350z.  At 0014z I started on 14.247 (#1606) and ran
till 0222z (#1725) and worked FO, DU, BV, 9G, HL, BA, and 9N1.  Last JA was
at 0248z, with next hour 03z doing both 80 and 40 with limited success.  I
take my first break at 0400z for about a 20 minute rest-no sleep.  0500z
(#1769) I work HB9, LZ, OZ, Z3, GW and LY for mults on 80 and on 40 I work
OH, OH0, LZ, SM and 3A that I try and move to 80 with no luck.  At 0712z I
finally catch VP9ID on 160. At 0752z (#1810) I try again running on 40 with
finally a little success.  I get a G, SP and PA to call me for new mults!!
Still I need a G on 80!  I am able to run till 0829Z (#1842).  0857z I
finally catch V47KP on 80.  I decide I better sleep some for the morning
runs so I sleep from 0900z to 1045z. 

On 80 at 1105z (#1851) I work a JA.  At 1148z (very early for me) I start on
14223 after being run off ZD's freq again (I guess this is a habit) and stay
till 1436z (#2092) with ES, CN J68, YV VR2, and an EA6 (which I move to 15)
for new ones.  I go to 21.222 at 1447z (#2096) and stay till 1914z (#2410)
during which time I work 7Z5, EK6 and a VU (that I move to 20).  I work an
XE on 10 at 1632z for new one.  I try moving a TK with no luck but do work
5H, ZS 7X, and V3.  Back on 20 for new ones 5X, 5B4, 5N7 (which I move to
15), and V6.  This time I'm on 14195 from 1955z (#2426) till 2143z (#2534).
At 2200z (#2546) I follow WB9Z up the band on 10 and I work a KH6 and ZL
which are new for me (don't know about Jerry).  My last run starts on 21.221
at 2212z (#2551) till 2258z with 9M6 and BA for new ones, when I break it
off to try 40 meters where I asked several stations (4x, YO, EI) to meet me
for skeds (but it didn't work out) I did work the OD and SV though.  Went to
80 late for sked with G0IVZ but worked another G for my first one on 80
(that's how bad it is back here).  Back on 15 for short 15 minute run but do
pick up a VR2 for final mult.

All in all a very good contest for this period of cycle from black hole.
Had some nice rates and lots of mults for ARRL.  160/80 pretty bad here, 40
not bad.  Jerry WB9Z beats me again (he did last year too) on low bands
(160/80/40) 374/138 to 361/134 but I was  a little more competitive than
last year.

I had very few 2nd radio q's this weekend as opposed to CW where I had the
most of any contest (guessing 200 or so).  Frequencies were at such a
premium and rates so high that it just didn't work out. 

No murphy here except for one rotor indicator and telephone RFI at neighbors.

I have been fighting a 20db over 9 noise on 80 and 160 since September even
on the beverages and the power company rfi fighter fianlly brought by an oil
switch on Friday afternoon that they had just replaced that had arcing
across the bushings and this helped me quite a bit. 

Congrads to K1AR, N6BV, K5ZD (K9PG) and WB9Z for nice scores.

73-Mike W9RE

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