[3830] WP2Z ARRL DX SSB Multi Single Score

Larry Reader readerl at goliath.sunyocc.edu
Tue Mar 10 15:24:06 EST 1998

WP2Z - KE2VB and K2ZL ops - Multi Single

Tried M/S this year.  The Sunday morning opening to EU on 15 from the
US made for tough going, all the beams were on EU and the Europeans
were so strong it was tough to find and hold a freq.  The 2200 Z Sunday
opening to the States was one heck of a wild hour!

band          QSO's         points         mults
160              99                 297              23
  80              425               1275            54
  40              845               2535            56
  20              1592             4776            59
  15              2228             6684            59
  10              1277             3831            54
Total           6466            19398          305         =   5,916,390

If anyone's interested in the WPX CW contest from WP2Z give me a call,
it's available.


Larry             and             Jim
KE2VB                               K2ZL  

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