[3830] W3LPL ARRL SSB Multi-Multi Score

Frank Donovan W3LPL donovanf at erols.com
Sat Mar 14 21:18:41 EST 1998

Congratulations to the K3LR crew for their first ever multi-multi first
place USA finish!  Tim's crew really did a number into Japan on 
40, 20 and 15 meters and into South America on 10 meters (those QSOs in
Spanish really paid off for K3LR!).

Many contesters have asked that I make the availability of AB-105
more widely known to the contest community on the rare occasions 
when it becomes available.  Please read beyond the next few
paragraphs if you find this notice objectionable.

I expect to have about 1000 feet of rare AB-105 and extremely rare
"Heavy Duty AB-105" tower for sale this Summer.  Heavy Duty AB-105
is arguably the best guyed tower ever made for the serious contester
or DXer.  Don't miss this opportunity to purchase Heavy Duty AB-105 tower,
in all likelyhood there will never be another chance!

Last summer I sold over 1000 ft of AB-105, and all of it was sold within
24 hours after it was advertised!  I could have sold thousands of feet
more if I'd had it...

The AB-105 will be sold at the prevailing market price for new Rohn 45,
and the Heavy Duty AB-105 will be sold at the prevailing market price for
new Rohn 55 (They are much stronger than either!).

If you want some AB-105 or Heavy Duty AB-105 this Summer, please send me
an e-mail at: donovanf at erols.com

Please note my new e-mail address: donovanf at erols.com

donovanf at erols.com

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: W3LPL                    Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi


      160      113      336   3.0       51     K1HTV  AI3M
       80      575     1704   3.0       90     WM2H   KE3Q
       40      545     1632   3.0      100     KC3EK  KW4T  W3LPL
       20     2052     6129   3.0      150     ND3F   K3RA  W3UR
       15     1618     4854   3.0      138     K1RZ   KD4D  W3LPL
       10      268      804   3.0       63     K1DQV  N5OKR

     Totals   5171    15459   3.0      592  =   9,151,728

Equipment Description:

160M: Two TS-850S feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      4-square vertical array, 1/4 wave GP, sloping dipole
      Phased pair of 580 ft Beverages (NE), 580 foot Beverages (E, S, W, NW)

80M:  FT-1000D and FT-1000MP feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      2 element full size quads (horiz polarization) at 170 ft (NE, S, SW, W)
      580 foot Beverages (NE, E, S, W, NW)

40M:  FT-1000MP and TS-850S feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      Stacked 3 element full size Yagis on 48 foot booms at 100 and 200 ft
      Beverages (NW, E, S, W, NW)

20M:  FT-1000D and FT-1000MP feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      Stacked 5 element Yagis on 48 foot booms at 50 and 100 feet
      5 element Yagi on 48 foot boom at 200 feet
      Beverages (NE, E, S, W, NW)
15M:  TS-950S and TS-850S feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      Stacked 6 element Yagis on 48 foot booms at 48 and 96 feet
      6 element Yagi on 48 foot boom at 200 feet
      Beverages (NE, E, S, W, NW)

10M:  TS-950S and TS-850S feeding a 1500 watt 3-1000Z monoband amplifier
      7 element Yagi on 48 foot boom at 200 feet
      6 element Yagi on 36 foot boom at 70  feet
      5 element Yagi on 24 foot boom at 55  feet

Club Affiliation: Potomac Valley Radio Club

                     Continent Statistics


                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America    28   48   37   78   88   40  319     6.0
South America     5   12   19   76   77  173  362     6.8
Europe           76  509  429 1520 1165    6 3705    69.4
Asia              0   12   40  305  209    0  566    10.6
Africa            4    7   11   60   43   20  145     2.7
Oceania           3   10   20  109   66   31  239     4.5

               QSO Counts By Band-Country (at least 5 QSOs on any band)


 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         
   4X                 1           2          11           6                     
   9A     6          12          11          23          11                     
   9H                 1           1           5           4                     
   CM                 2           1           2           6           1         
   CT     1           7           6           8           9           1         
   CX                                         2           2          14         
   DL     7          62          55         204         170                     
   EA     6          37          43          63          66           1         
  EA6                 2                       1           5                     
   EI                10           3          23          18                     
   ES                             1           5           2                     
   EU                 3                      10           3                     
    F     5          29          42          90          78           1         
    G    16          63          23         161         154                     
   GI     3           3           1           9          10                     
   GM                 7           4          34          31                     
   GW     2          10           6          19          19                     
   HA     1           8          12          30          11                     
   HB     1           8           2          17          28                     
   HK                             1           3           5           3         
   HL                                         8           6                     
   HS                                         5                                 
    I    11          59          79         201         161           2         
   JA                 7          24         181         172                     
  KH6     2           4           4          14          14           8         
   KL                 2           2           9           9           1         
  KP4     7           4           3           9          14           6         
   LA                 4           5          16          10                     
   LU                 1           5          21          27          91         
   LX     1           3           4           7           8                     
   LY                 7           3          15           6                     
   LZ                 7           1           9          12                     
   OE     1           5           3          20          20                     
   OH                 3           6          34          25                     
   OK     1          26           4          35          27                     
   OM     1           4           3           8           6                     
   ON     1          10          15          47          35                     
   OZ     2           9           3          19          16                     
   PA     2          13          11          52          40                     
   PY                 2           2          23          16          35         
   S5     1          14           8          28          19                     
   SM     1           7           6          30          18                     
   SP     1          15          12          43          22                     
   SV     1           1           8          16          20                     
   TA                 2           6           6           7                     
   UA                18          13         115          24                     
  UA9                 1           3          55           6                     
   UN                             1          12           1                     
   UR                 8           4          40          20                     
   VK     1           3           8          60          25           8         
   XE     3           8           4           8          16           9         
   YL                 1           1           4           6                     
   YO                 4           6          14           6                     
   YU     1          14           8          34          21                     
   YV     1           2           2           6           3           7         
   Z3     1           3           4           5           6                     
   ZL                 1           4          21           9          10         
   ZP                 1           1           4           4           5         
   ZS     1                       3          28           7           8         


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0     9/7     75/28    37/20    91/35    30/18     7/3   249/111  249/111
   1     4/2     44/13    33/16    59/17     8/1       .     148/49  397/160
   2    14/7     23/3     27/10    41/2       .        .     105/22  502/182
   3     9/5     19/4     18/3     14/5       .        .      60/17  562/199
   4     9/6     30/7     13/7     19/3       .        .      71/23  633/222
   5     9/6     27/5     20/8     10/1       .        .      66/20  699/242
   6    12/1     35/2     20/5     12/2       .        .      79/10  778/252
   7     4/1     29/3     31/4     13/3       .        .      77/11  855/263
   8     2/1      7/3     33/4     10/0     .....    .....    52/8   907/271
   9      .       5/3     16/3     10/1       .        .      31/7   938/278
  10      .       2/0      5/1     27/13      .        .      34/14  972/292
  11     3/2      6/4      4/1    149/20    23/17      .     185/44 1157/336
  12      .        .       5/0    132/6     66/28     7/5    210/39 1367/375
  13      .        .        .      90/6    114/23    15/3    219/32 1586/407
  14      .        .        .      67/2    131/14    36/5    234/21 1820/428
  15      .        .        .      48/0    118/2     26/12   192/14 2012/442
  16    .....    .....    .....    64/2    116/5     29/9    209/16 2221/458
  17      .        .        .      90/3    104/3     17/0    211/6  2432/464
  18      .        .        .      44/3     58/0     13/3    115/6  2547/470
  19      .        .        .      60/3     46/4     13/5    119/12 2666/482
  20      .        .        .      41/3     46/5     16/4    103/12 2769/494
  21      .       1/0      8/0     87/0     28/1      8/1    132/2  2901/496
  22      .      21/1     35/0     32/1     37/4      7/1    132/7  3033/503
  23     1/0     52/4     31/2     61/2     35/0      6/3    186/11 3219/514
   0     4/0     22/0     28/4     32/1     15/0      2/0    103/5  3322/519
   1     3/1     15/0     11/1     30/1      5/0       .      64/3  3386/522
   2     1/1     17/1     13/2     16/1      1/1       .      48/6  3434/528
   3     3/2     21/0     17/0     10/2       .        .      51/4  3485/532
   4     5/3     13/1     18/2      7/0       .        .      43/6  3528/538
   5    12/3     19/0      7/1      7/1       .        .      45/5  3573/543
   6     6/1     19/0     13/0      5/2       .        .      43/3  3616/546
   7     1/1     11/1     17/0       .        .        .      29/2  3645/548
   8    .....     2/2      5/0     .....    .....    .....     7/2  3652/550
   9     1/1      5/1      1/0     10/1       .        .      17/3  3669/553
  10      .       4/0      1/0     19/0       .        .      24/0  3693/553
  11      .       4/1      8/1     52/0     32/2       .      96/4  3789/557
  12      .        .       2/0     56/2     81/2       .     139/4  3928/561
  13      .        .        .      49/0     60/1      3/0    112/1  4040/562
  14      .        .        .      85/0     83/0      4/0    172/0  4212/562
  15      .        .        .      54/1     54/1      9/2    117/4  4329/566
  16    .....    .....    .....    49/0     52/0      3/1    104/1  4433/567
  17      .        .        .      57/1     37/1      2/1     96/3  4529/570
  18      .        .        .      54/2     28/2      8/2     90/6  4619/576
  19      .        .        .      43/0     32/1      5/1     80/2  4699/578
  20      .        .        .      54/0     39/1     11/2    104/3  4803/581
  21      .        .      11/0     43/0     34/1      9/0     97/1  4900/582
  22      .      30/1     27/3     24/1     60/0      5/0    146/5  5046/587
  23     1/0     17/2     30/2     25/1     45/0      7/0    125/5  5171/592
DAY1    76/38   376/80   336/84 1271/133  960/125   200/54    ..... 3219/514
DAY2    37/13   199/10   209/16   781/17   658/13    68/9       .   1952/78 
TOT    113/51   575/90  545/100 2052/150 1618/138   268/63      .   5171/592
donovanf at erols.com

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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