[3830] S56A BARTG score

Marijan Miletic S56A at S55TCP.ampr.org
Mon Mar 23 14:23:36 EST 1998

SCORE 22-3-1998  BARTG  S56A SOAB HP

Band   QSO Point Mults  WVEJAVK
 80m    72    72    27     1
 40m    80    80    34     2
 20m   201   201    71     4
 15m   139   139    58     4
 10m    33    33    21     1
 All   525   525 x (201 + 12)

Score = 111.825 x 6 = 670.950 points

Rig : IC-735 + SB-221  500W output
Ant : TH6DXX + 402BA + 78m Windom
TTY : 486/66 + P-38 + homebrew software

Comment:  Nice CONDX and a lot of British hams!
Reached 500Q/200M in 25 hours.  Only K1AM on 10m.

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

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