[3830] HA/W0YR M/S WPX SSB Score

POLANDT.W9 POLANDT at westel900.hu
Mon Mar 30 12:24:05 EST 1998

                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 1998 
      Call: HA/W0YR                  Country:  Hungary 
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single 
      160        0        0   0.0        0 
       80      468      976   2.1      218 
       40       93      230   2.5        7 
       20      624     1085   1.7      231 
       15      276      710   2.6      119 
       10       15       36   2.4        5 
     Totals   1476     3037   2.1      580  =   1,761,460 
Operator List: W0YR, N9NC 
Equipment Description: IC-738, 500 W Amp, A4S, Dipoles 
Club Affiliation: Loudoun Amateur Radio Group 
Great contest! Lots of fun! But.... 
Where were all the USA big guns? 
How can grown men make expensive transcievers 
sound like they came from K-Mart?   
Can't wait for the CW version. 
We live and work in Hungary, so please look for 
these calls in other contests.  
HA/W0YR  Mike Lonneke,  w0yr at aol.com 
HA/N9NC   Tom Poland,  polandt at westel900.hu

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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