[3830] KT4W WPX SSB - M/S

Ray Conrad ray.conrad at lmco.com
Mon Mar 30 12:10:01 EST 1998


Band    QSOs
160      18
 80     321
 40      76
 20     358
 15    1496
 10     102
Totals:  2371 Qs; 809 Prefixes; 

Score:  5,296,523


15M was great during all daylight hours. Very good JA run Saturday
evening. Sunday was very good to Europe, several YB and HS called in 
to keep it interesting. Glad that I made a sked with another KT4! I 
did not hear another KT4.  Thanks to all for another great WPX. 

73, Ray. KT4W

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