[3830] NK7U WPX SSB M/S

k7zo at micron.net k7zo at micron.net
Mon Mar 30 22:16:37 EST 1998

For a contest where we beat last year's score by 70% how come we feel
so disappointed? We should feel great!
      Callsign: NK7U     Category: Multi Single
      Operators: NK7U, K7ZO

     Band   QSO's   Prefixes
     160      0         0
      80    184        62
      40    367        65
      20    975       444
      15    284       147
      10      0         0
           ====      =====
          1,810       718      3,656,774

I echo observations on propogation. Things started off pretty
good on Friday night with 15M open to JA at the start. Then
a solid effort on 20M lasting almost until 40M opened to JA
and the big 6 point runs. During the 20M opening we worked many
central Asian stations bringing back memories of the high sunspot
years of past. In fact this opening was probably even better than 
we had during ARRL SSB. As Saturday dawned though it was 
obvious the bands were not in quite as good a shape as in ARRL
SSB. Signals out of Europe were not as strong and had a good
degree of flutter on them. We never could get a 20M run going though
we usually received reports that our signals were strong into
Europe. Joe's 5/5/5/5 and 6/6 do a really fine job into EU. Though
it always kills us to think that the folks on the east coast with
a tri-bander beat us. On Saturday 15M was at best marginally open to EU.
As someone else said no one was able to really move the S-meter
much on 15M out of Europe to the west coast. By early evening
things were worse as 15M did not open to JA and even 20M seemed 
to go to sleep to JA from 2200-0300 UTC recovering partially later.
Saturday night was its usual excrutiatingly slow self though a
frantic JA run on 80M right at our sunrise Sunday almost made it
worthwhile. 15 and 20M into EU were more of the same though we agree
with VE6JY's comment of the bands closing up Sunday morning. Though for
us it was more like 1700UTC than 1900UTC. 15M had a nice opening to
OH land around 2000 but that was it.

Anyway, good to see the spots coming back. Congrats to all of those
with big scores. P3A's score is really awesome. N5KO and VE7SV both
had great single op scores out our way. Good job guys.

Now off to a summer of more antenna work. Yes we will get the 10 and
15M stacks up this year. 4 stacks for each band into EU and JA. When
the spots are back in full we will be ready!

Scott/K7ZO and one of the NK7U contesting gang.

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