[3830] RK2FWA WPX'98 SSB Multi-Multi (resend)

IGOR AVDEEV igor at ua2fz.koenig.su
Fri Mar 6 17:45:44 EST 1998

                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: RK2FWA                   Country:  Kaliningradsk
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi


      160      370      808   2.2       86
       80      596     1376   2.3      149
       40     1119     3446   3.1      189
       20     1260     2632   2.1      309
       15     1227     2948   2.4      260
       10      313      681   2.2       51

     Totals   4885    11891   2.4     1044  =   12,414,204

All reports sent were 59, unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: UA2FB,UA2FC,UA2FF,UA2FX,UA2FZ,RA2FA,RA2FZ,RN2FA,Andrej.

Equipment Description: FT-1000MP, TS-870, TS-850S, TS-570D, IC-756,
PA's;ANT's:10,15,20m - 6&5 el Monobanders, 40m-2el Quad,80m-Vertical,
160m-Dipole, 8 Beverages.

Club Affiliation: UA2-Contest Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature  UA2FZ Igor Avdeev

           MAILING ADDRESS:   C/O Victor Loginov,
                              P.O.Box 73, Kaliningrad 236000, Russia 

               PETROVO  RK2FWA

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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