[3830] TQP W5NC/M SO

K1OJ k1oj at swbell.net
Mon May 25 18:24:06 EDT 1998

                           TEXAS QSO PARTY SUMMARY SHEET

      Contest Date : 23-May-98

     Callsign Used : W5NC/M
          Operator : K1OJ
          Assistant: Margarita (XYL)
          Category : TEXAS MOBILE SINGLE OP

  Default Exchange : RS(T) CTY

              Name : OWEN 'OJ' QUARLES
           Address :
    City/State/Zip : HOUSTON, TX
           Country : United States

                              ( NARS )

   County           Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Score

   ARANSAS             24          72      18      1296
   AUSTIN              11          24      10       240
   BEE                 15          41      13       533
   BEXAR                8          20       8       160
   BROOKS              24          64      21      1365
   BRAZORIA            37         110      21      2310
   CALDWELL             5          10       5        50
   CALHOUN             15          45      12       540
   COLORADO            27          77      20      1540
   COMAL                7          16       7       112
   DEWITT              23          66      15       990
   DUVAL               27          78      20      1556
   FAYETTE             26          75      19      1425
   FT. BEND            19          51      17       867
   GALVESTON            8          17       8       136
   GOLIAD              18          53      16       848
   GONZLES             19          52      17       884
   GUADALUPE           19          38      14       532
   HARRIS               8          21       8       168
   JIM HOGG            16          46      13       598
   JACKSON              9          27       7       198
   JIM WELLS           32          85      23      1955
   KARNES              25          64      20      1280
   KENEDY              22          60      19      1140
   KLEBURG             11          22      10       220
   LAVACA              27          73      17      1241
   LIVE OAK            29          57      14       798
   MATAGORDA           19          56      17       952
   MONTGOMERY          10          28       9       252
   NUECES              22          60      18      1080
   REFUGIO             12          36       9       334
   SAN PATRICIO        21          63      18      1134
   VICTORIA            33          95      21      1995
   WALLER              18          52      11       572
   WHARTON             23          60      18      1080
   WILSON              12          22      11       242


   Totals             672        1837     523   960,751
   Bonus Points       5 Qs in 35 Counties        35,000
   FINAL SCORE =                                995,751

   1000 MILES !!  RFI on 15m caused my wipers to run!
   20 and 40 were in great shape! Lots of players! Great fun!
   Thanks to TDXS and all who participated!

   K1OJ ..

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
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