[3830] N0AH CQWWCW Score
Dinsterdog at aol.com
Mon Nov 30 00:48:18 EST 1998
Operator: N0AH Zone 4 SOHP Assisted 0n time 9.3 hours
188 QSO's
81 Zones
137 Countries
107,474 points
IC-756 with AL-811 Amp
For grins, tried working only one call per band country but work one JA
Band QSO's Zones Countries Antenna
160 7 5 5 HF2V
80 5 5 4 """
40 26 9 24 " "
20 45 18 34 6 El Log/TH3Jr
15 51 25 36 "" "" ""
10 54 19 34 "" "" ""
4 bevg antennas for listening-
Soap Box
Jim Brown, KK0T, once wrote a story for the MileHighDX Association titled " A
Case for Casual Contesting"......I took his advice-
Decided to go easy and have fun looking for mults on OH2AQ cluster after going
hard in ARRL Sweepstakes and CQWWSSB Tests....after 5 months, finally got ph
service in rural SE Wyoming- the internet feels good!
Highlights include working two ATNO's.....XZ1N and 3V8BB.....also worked some
goody mults like Z31AJ, TL0R, VQ9IO and VU2WAP........I got EL2WW in first
minute of contest- all in all, got 37 zones...missed 29, 34, 40 although
thought I heard 5A5A in the pile ups somewhere-
Some personal battles too- like spending at least 3 hours calling P3A Saturday
only to work him first call on Sunday- finally getting through to 3A/N9NC
after 4 hours of going back and forth between working him and finding a few
Biggest Surprises- having BD4EG answer my CQ...... if I CQ'd more than 1/2
dozen times in this contest, shoot me- also, I put up a small tribander up 40
feet fixed on EU, it worked great and it was nice not having to move the main
antenna back and forth between contacts on different continents ......
Biggest Failures- missing any of the P40's...........kept thinking, I'll get
one, as soon as I get another diet coke out of thre
fridge........opppsssss.........and my low band efforts-- worked 1 out of
every 1,234,000 heard-
I'm sure a lot of records are going to fall considering condx......never have
seen them so good on all bands- wow- was nice to just sit and listen for
hours- maybe I should take up SWL???? Considering how much I hear on the low
bands with 1/2 mile of beverages, and how lousy I get out with a vertical
twig- I should take it up- seriously, had a blast! - And for once, nothing
made by MFJ blew up- my last piece of MFJ gear was put in the landfill last
week after Sweepstakes--
73 Paul N0AH
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