[3830] CQ WW SSB VP2V/K7AR
Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF
jfenster at pacifier.com
Sun Nov 1 08:19:06 EST 1998
Using relatively simple antennas and rigs, we submit our preliminary score
for CQ WW SSB.
Country: British Virgin Islands
Category: Multi-Single
Operators: K7AR, K9JF, N7MQ, WJ7R, W7YAQ, N7NU
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160 124 8 23
80 316 17 55
40 255 19 65
20 1818 31 104
15 1537 33 121
10 1723 27 118
T 5773 135 468 = 8,630,037
Highlights and Lowlights:
Antenna erection on the 21st was accompanied by rain and storms the entire
day. Since we live in the northwest, we have become accustom to rain...the
best part was that this was WARM RAIN!!! On Friday, we visited with Bob
Dennison VP2VI and heard about the early days of DXpeditioning and
contesting. The beverage was erected on Thursday with hope of working lots
of DX on Top Band. Couldn't get a signal through the preamp. When we
arrived home, we discovered a switch has shorted which effectively grounded
the input to the preamp. So, had to work the entire contest with the
Gladiator as the XMIT/Receive antenna. The contest started in the middle
of a severe thunderstorm with all the antennas disconnected. We felt
comfortable at 0022 and began the contest at that time. A couple of other
times during the contest, we were forced to disconnect and QRT until the
storms passed. Worked SU2MT on two bands and had 5 zone 22 contacts!!
However, during the entire contest, did not work a single KL7 so missed
Zone 1 on all six bands!
Had a great time from the other side of the pile-up. The 2 element C3-SS
yagi at 20' above ground performed great as can be seen by our 20/15/10
contact totals. 40 was a bust as we found the matching network had come
loose. The HF6V was great on 80...it was mounted on a railing about 15 ft.
above ground with 4 radials.
See you next year from somewhere...
73 from the Cinco Nueve Contest Club
Vancouver, WA - Portland, OR - Eugene, OR
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