[3830] PT0F CQWW phone SOAB 17.6M
Bruce L Draper
draperbl at sandia.gov
Mon Nov 2 10:31:15 EST 1998
I'm sending this at the request of Jim, N5FA, who is still unpacking
boxes from his latest move from WV to TX and hasn't found his computer!
PT0F (op N5FA) single-op all-band high power
8291 Q 156 Z 567 C ----> 17.6 M
(subject to some minor adjustments with a new .cty file, but he's sure
these are very close to the final numbers).
Jim is a veteran of CQ WW phone, but this is the first time
he's done SOAB. Not a bad first effort, eh?
Bruce, AA5B
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