[3830] BARTG RTTY Scores for Summary

Marijan Miletic Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si
Mon Nov 2 13:52:04 EST 1998

SCORE 1-Nov-1998 S56A

Band   QSO Mults
 80m    24    13
 40m    31    20
 20m   139    49
 15m   102    44
 10m    55    32
 All   351    65

 351 x 65 x 5 = 114.075 points

I hereby certify that 
I obeyed contest rules
and radio regulations 
of my country.

Marijan M. Miletic', S56A
Trebinjska 8, 1113 Ljubljana
Slovenia, Europe

Member of:
Radioclub "Slovenia"
Slovenia Contest Club

Rig : IC-735 + SB-221  500W
Ant : TH6DXX + 402BA + 78m Windom
TTY : HAL P-38 homebrew software

Comment: Excelent condx but I forgot to
chase Africa!  Fortunately VK called me.
Nice to work WF1B and K6STI RTTY gurus.

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

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