[3830] VE5RI CQWW SSB 1998 M/M HP

Doug Richardson ve5cma at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 4 07:58:04 EST 1998

VE5RI CQWW SSB 1998 FINAL SUMMARY								                                
BAND	Raw	QSOs	Points                  Cty	Zones	Mults
----    -----   -----   ------                  ----    -----   -----
160m	42	41	75			3	4	7
80m	373	366	662			18	12	30
40m	244	238	483			32	18	50
20m	1052	1026	2237			85	27	112
15m	961	942	2163			79	29	108
10m	672	665	1441			35	20	55

Totals	3344	3278	7061			252	110	362

	Final Score:		2,556,082	  points.				
VERY improved over our last year's effort, up from 755,000! Not very 
often does a station get to triple and more, it's previous effort.
10m and 15m kicked butt!!!! 20m seemed to tap out at times, and we would 
find a lot of dupes. 
We plan 40m improvements for next year, and hope to really improve 
there. Condx not as good as expected, but we may have had expectations 
too high. Great runs on 10m, 15m and 80m!

VE5CMA Doug Richardson
3226 Tufts Bay East
Regina SK  Canada  S4V 1V2
voice (306)789-2254
internet: ve5cma at hotmail.com
73 es TTFN de VE5CMA

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