[3830] CQ WW SSB-98 80 meters High Power by NP3D/5B4

andy stchislenok asnd at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 5 20:16:23 EST 1998

                                        QSO's     Pts per qso   Zones   
Countries    Total pts
                                          969           2.80            21 
          91          304,192
Band  80 meters
 Rig:  IC-775DSP, TS-570D plus Alpha-91b. Ant: 5/8 GP
Qth: Larnaka, Cyprus
Had real fun. Propogation on 80 meters was good enough both nights. Missed
zone 3 still can't beleive it, Hi.. 
Good QTH abt 150 meters from the Meditteranian Sea - quiet local beach..
Real Ham Radio Shack..
Nice people in Cyprus, nobody rush nowhere, big difference to compare with
NYC life where I came from, Hi.. 
5B4 Custom is tough (on my own experience) brought with me TL-922A and
A3S.. This equipment is still in custom warehouse.. I came back to NYC a
week ago. Do not know when we can get my stuff back..
Who wants to know more Info about 5B4 Contest Paradise, pse contact:
np3d at juno.com
Everybody is Welcome!
73 de Andy NP3D/W2

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