Gus VO1MP gussam at newcomm.net
Mon Nov 9 01:20:04 EST 1998

VO1MP  Gus Samuelson
St. Phillips Newfoundland
                       ARRL SWEEPSTAKES 1998

      Call: VO1MP                    Country:  
      Mode: CW                       Category: SO/UNASSISTED/Low Power


      160        0        0        -
       80        9       18        -
       40        7       14        -
       20      241      482        -
       15      244      488        -
       10        0        0        -

     Totals    501     1002       79

               Score:  79,158

Power Output: 100 watts     Hours of operation: about - 8

Equipment Description:  ts 950sd
                        204ba     HB -4 ELE-15  Loop/40 Dipole-80
                        CT logging

Conditions were disturbed according to WWV mebbe that's what is required 
for a clean sweep. Worked it backwards last two I need for the sweep were Mar and NL
in that order !!
Great when the pile up can be used to YOUR advantage !! on  several occasions I asked qrx for
needed sections and le voila  there they were,  almost felt like cheating  hi !
KH6 , KL7, UT , SF, 6 & 7  sections and a few others. For the most part even though there was
someone calling it was difficult to get the rate much above 100 for any sustained periods of time.
Not sure if there were any other VOs on , but saturday night family committment... XYL's birthday
kept me busy and didn't get on until about 900 local time Sunday morning just in time
to give K5ZD number 1 and his sweep,  I figured with the number of qsos he  had at that time
without a VO  that was a good omen . Only my second attempt , last year was  half hearted
95 % or more was CQing and never did have to S&P for any sections .
Club Affiliation: 

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature Gus Samuelson


               Gus Samuelson  VO1MP
               P.O. Box 38 Site 4, RR # 1
               St. Phillips, NFLD A1L1C1

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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