[3830] N8IA 1998 SSCW SOLP
Dave Riley
driley at gatecom.com
Mon Nov 9 05:08:33 EST 1998
Call: N8IA Country:
Mode: CW Category: Single Operator Low Power
160 0 0 -
80 35 70 -
40 97 194 -
20 64 128 -
15 14 28 -
10 0 0 -
Totals 210 420 66
Score: 27,720
Power Output: 100 watts Hours of operation: 9
Equipment Description:
Xcvr: IC-735
233 MHz MMX w/ CT 9.37
Ant: 80m & 40m Inverted Vees at 30 feet
20m,15m,10m Cushcraft R-6000 Vertical
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature _David B. Riley___N8IA___________
Got home from work and turned on the radio about 0300z Saturday evening
and was greeted with aurora and condx marginal at best, especially for
my 100 watts. 20 was almost dead East/West paths were OK on 40 but signals
within 500 miles or so were weak and fluttery. After a few hours I gave up
40 and moved to 80, where the aurora effects were not as bad. Went to bed
about 0730z. I resumed about 1700z and did S&P the rest of the afternoon.
I did manage 66 sections and QSO'd the rarer sections like,YT,VT,NNY,WTX
and EWA but missed ME,SNJ,SC,SB,SF,NB,PQ,MB,SK,VI,AK
Back in SSPH hopefully with no aurora.
Dave - N8IA (ex KG8W)
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