[3830] N8PR SS M/S Sweep

N8PR -Pete k8unp at shadow.net
Mon Nov 9 08:50:48 EST 1998

N8PR  HP M/S  900 Q's  79 Mult  = 142,200 Pts  Section: SFL  15 Hours

One of these days, I will have the energy to work the whole
contest!  Too bad 160 and 80 were so noisy down here in So Fla. 
Tks to all who worked us.   

                     ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1998

      Call: N8PR                     Hours of operation:  15
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160        0        0        -     Inv. Vee @ 100 ft.
       80       54      108        -     Phased Vert dipoles, Inv Vee
       40      338      676        -     2 Ele Yagis @ 75 & 115 Ft.
       20      273      546        -    {KT34XA @ 107'+ KT34A @ 67 & 37' 
       15      229      458        -    {or KT34XA @ 60 ft      "     "
       10        6       12        -    {      "                "     "

     Totals    900     1800       79

               Score:  142,200

Power Output: 1000 watts     Hours of operation: 15
Operator List: N8PR, NX4N, W4SO
Equipment Description: Icom 756 (2) Amp Supply LK800 (2)

Club Affiliation: Florida Contest Club (FCC)

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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