[3830] K7GM LP CWSS
Niswander, Frederick D.
Mon Nov 9 10:26:00 EST 1998
One radio (TS-830, yes you actually have to tune it)
One antenna (80 meter dipole at 35 feet)
One tuner (comes in handy when desiring to be on a band other than 80)
Result: 763 x 79 = 120,554. 17 hours low power
Didn't have enough time in my schedule to go anywhere this year, so decided
to see whether I could break 100K with my pipsqueak operation at home in the
middle of town. Was pleasantly surprised to do so and to get a sweep (which
was not expected by any means, particularly with the sun flare). Last mult
was VO1MP, who I had heard a number of times previously with a weak signal
and a huge pile - not worth trying.
Rick, K7GM
Frederick (Rick) Niswander, Ph.D., CPA
Assistant Professor of Accounting
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 328-6633
(252) 328-4091 fax
niswanderf at mail.ecu.edu
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