[3830] N9RV SS CW HP

Patrick Barkey pbarkey at gw.bsu.edu
Mon Nov 9 12:25:59 EST 1998

                       ARRL SWEEPSTAKES 1998

      Call: N9RV                     Section: Indiana  
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator, HP


      160        0        0        -
       80      300      600        -  dipole at 70'
       40      719     1438        -  dipole at 45'
       20      306      612        -  4 el @ 70'
       15       18       36        -  5 el @ 75'
       10        2        4        -  5 el @ 80'

     Totals   1345     2690       79

               Score:  212,510

IC-765/Homebrew 3CX1200 amp, plus TS-930/Gap Vertical for 2nd radio

First full time effort from new station.  Everything worked and I was
quite pleased about that.

Up until Sunday night, calling people barefoot with the GAP vertical
was kind of fun.  When the fresh blood showed up at the end with big
piles on them it turned into a form of torture.  But that little radio
and antenna was probably worth about two or three hundred Q's.

Why do we keep getting teased with good conditions all year and then
see them go down the toilet during contest weekends? 

   -- Pat

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