[3830] K6RC SS M - SV

Woods, Eric D PB-edwoods EDWOODS at msg.pacbell.com
Mon Nov 9 09:29:16 EST 1998

1008 x 79 = 159k

K6RC, K6RJ, K6GV (Ex NB6G, KF6A, NV6O)  How nice vanity is......

At K6RJ's - River City Contesters, of course.

Lessee, EWA for last section on 40.  Panic waiting for that one.....
More Panic when we realized that 1000 Q's might not be in the cards...You
shudda seen K6RC wiggle the keyer in the last 90 mins......
Used old 386 machine with version 8.sumpin.  Couldn't make v9 work with new
pentium/windows 95 consumer box.(How many engineers does it take to.....?)
Just another small contribution to RCC from Orangevale.

CU in two weeks and go Cal Aggies

Eric, K6GV

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