[3830] K4LT SS CW HP M/S KY

Doug Klein, K4LT k4lt at fuse.net
Mon Nov 9 17:40:42 EST 1998

K4LT (+W8RZ and K9NW) ARRL SS CW 1998
Category M/S - Section - KY

1150 qsos by 79 (sweep) = 181,700 claimed score.

Club affiliation Mad River Radio Club

First qso was with VY1A.  Knew that was a good sign.  Best score ever.  Mike
is a great op, the SMC has lost one and MRRC has gained one!!!

The aurora Saturday night was wild.  Even signals on 80 meters were
warbling.  Hard to believe from as far south as KY.

Sunday morning condx were terrible, but recovered nicely in the late pm.

Took off time for only 4 hours early sunday morning, then went straight
through to 0100z when we quit.  Last hour was a 55, so not sure was best
strategy as we might have had better hours in the last 2 than the hours we
stayed on and had 22 and 30 per hour...

73, Doug K4LT

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