[3830] Nov SS CW N2GA SOAB HP NLI Section

N2GA at aol.com N2GA at aol.com
Mon Nov 9 17:57:45 EST 1998

1998 ARRL Sweepstakes for N2GA       Mode: CW     Power: 1500

Location: NLI     Single Operator All Band

Exchanged Information: nr B N2GA 91 NLI

Hours: 23 1/2

Band     QSOs    Points
80          126        252
40          209        418
20          323        646
15          245        490
10             4            8
----        --------     --------
Total       907      1814    x   78 sections  =  141,492

Affiliated Club: Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club

Equipment: Yaesu FT1000, Alpha 91B, Force 12 C3S @ 45 feet, Gap Vertical

Comments:   Missed the clean sweep yet again!  Spent 12 hours on Sunday
looking for Newfoundland/Labrador without success!   Where was VO?   To all
who worked me, many thanks!   In general, I enjoyed this contest and was
thrilled to work some very competent and courteous CW ops.  Only 3 ops tried
to steal my frequency and would not QSY when I ask them to.  I wonder why so
few call QRL? before CQ'ing.  It definitely is a trend that seems to be
increasing to the detriment of contesters and operators everywhere.   CU all
in the SSB section - I will be operating multi-single with K2DO using her call
sign!   Please work us if you hear us!  Thanks and 73!

George Tranos N2GA
ARRL Section Manager NYC/LI

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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