[3830] WX0B SO HP ( K5GA op )

K5GA at aol.com K5GA at aol.com
Mon Nov 9 19:10:01 EST 1998

Final score is 1394  X  79

I don't really want to talk about it, but my therapist said I needed to in
order to get over the frustration......

1....10 minutes into the start there was a POWER FAILURE. Then the computer
would not reboot immediately. Jay says it is caused by a "problem" with the
computer power supply.

2....Computer locked up 12 times in the first 2 hours. Had something to do
with the 2-radio ALT-D command. Had trouble rebooting 2 times within the 12
times. I quit counting my reboots after about 20 times. After realizing where
the problem was stemming from, I realized there was a way I could use ALD-D
with no lock-ups. TREE, have you heard anyone else with this problem ?? This
is what I get for changing versions ( ver 6:32 ) without testing. I should
have stayed with my old version 5:84. Also, the program would lock up when
retyping something in the data field.

3.....RFI was getting into the computer when transmitting on the 80 NE
antenna. This caused the computer to act weird by changing from run mode to
S&P mode, adding characters to my information etc. etc......Just another fun
evening in front of the radio. 

4....Conditions sucked big time from Dallas on Saturday night. When stations
from MN, IL, MO, etc are fluttery and S3 at best, you know it's going to be a
loooonnng weekend. I had NO...i repeat....NO good rate for the entire contest.
The Sunday afternoon 50/hr rate was the most enjoyable of the entire contest.
The rest was pure hard work and no fun.

5....After about 20 reboots, I quit counting.

Jay's station is a terrific place to operate SS, but not this weekend.

I feel better already.

Bill  K5GA

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