[3830] ARRL SS CW Score 1998 - K1WD

William Davis k1wd at amsat.org
Tue Nov 10 01:34:26 EST 1998

Here's my score for the ARRL SS CW Contest this past w/e

Targets: 1) to have fun, 2) to do better than last year.  

                       ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1998

      Call: K1WD                     Country:  USA
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator, Low Power


      160        0        0        -
       80       68      136        -
       40       79      158        -
       20       68      136        -
       15       37       74        -
       10       10       20        -

     Totals    262      524       67

               Score:  35,108

Power Output: 10 watts     Hours of operation: 13

Equipment Description:

Yaesu FT-990 running 10W (ten watts) to SGC-230 tuner on balcony with 100'

Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


(Background:  I live in a 3rd floor apartment, severely antenna crippled,
but have used an SGC tuner & whip on balcony for past contests)

This year I finally put up a long-wire, something I'd been meaning to do
for the past 3 years.  So, on Saturday morning I strung up a 100' l/w
approx north-west from my apartment, with the highest point at about 50'.
I didn't get started until about an hour after the contest began, 10 meters
was open, and things were looking pretty good.  However, about half an hour
into the contest I was interrupted by my downstairs neighbour complaining
about TVI.  I was running 100W, but when I turned the power down, there was
no TVI, so there I was using 10W (lowest the FT-990 will go without the ALC
tweak), but having already worked half an hour, signing with prec. of "A",
what a drag!  Oh, well let's see how it goes.  The bands were pretty good,
and much to my surprise I was actually working stations first try.  80 & 40
were the bands of choice.  Everything was search & pounce, no running.  I
did just over 13 hrs;  67 sections (last year 61), 262 Qs (last year 169),
for around 35k+ (last year 20k+). 

Thanks to all who worked me.  See you all in CQ WW DX CW in three weeks.

Regards -

e-mail:	k1wd at amsat.org
home-page:	http://www.ultranet.com/~whd-inc/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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