[3830] K9TR 98 CW SS summary/comments

Mark Shaum k9tr at MCI2000.com
Mon Nov 9 21:51:07 EST 1998


    Contest Dates : November 7-8-9 UTC, 1998

    Callsign Used : K9TR

    Operator : K9TR

    Category : Low Power CW (150W Max Output)

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80CW      329         329        658      10
   40CW      418         418        836      18
   20CW      135         135        270      24
   15CW      103         103        206      25

 Totals      985         985       1970      77

    Final Score = 151690 points.

 Equipment Summary

 FT-1000MP with lotsa filters, FT980 as extra RX, seldom used

 Antenna Descriptions:

 80: Inverted V at 65ft
 40: Shortdipole at 70ft;End fed zepp at 35 ft;Low inverted V wire yagi
 20: TA-33 at 70ft;End Fed Zepp@ 35 ft;Low 2L quad fixed south
 15: TA-33 at 70ft;End Fed Zepp@ 35 ft

 Power dividers used to drive two antennas at once on 40,20 and 15
 with variable power ratios.

 Software: TRlog v6.29

 Beverage: Jewel brand generic coffee, 2.5 gal approx. utilization

 Soapbox Comments

 With a new rig (FT-1000MP, GREAT rx!), and a wider selection of lower
 antennas, I only managed one more QSO than last year.  And two less
 sections!  Never heard NL or MS. Mississippi seems to be a difficult
 one to snag from IL. Still have difficulty maintaining a high
 rate in the first four hours, will have to devote more practice to
 S/P with a dual VFO rig.

 Auroral flutter made copy tiring Saturday nite. Many repeats. It also
 took everything north of Minnesota off the map until about mid-Sunday.

 Best addition this year: Scheduled a day off for Monday.  Very helpful
 during recovery from the 2 gallon plus coffee consumption over the
 weekend. It also allowed taking down all the temporary wire antennas
 that would have come down on their own accord shortly thereafter.

 Forgot this year: I neglected to spend any time in the Novice bands.

 Had a great time, though, although I was definitely zombie-like by the
 early evening on Sunday.  Heavy reliance on the CQ robot and the high
 end of 40 and 20.

 See you all again next November! - Mark

Mark Shaum  K9TR
email: k9tr at cwix.com
Central Illinois Grid EN50ii

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