Jay J. Grokowsky
jgrokowsky at omni.fusecom.net
Tue Nov 10 07:10:58 EST 1998
Qso's - 698
Mults - 79
Score - 110,284
Hours - 24
Equipment, et al: IC737; TR Log;
TA33jr @ 48'
40 M. full sloper @ 45' (at the top end)
80 M. Inverted Vee w/HB tuner
Lots of Diet Mountain Dew and Chex Mix ("energy" food)
Restroom located close to operating table
Why oh why do I do this every year??? The increased sunspots brought
a bad side effect (flares) - which was good for a few new grids on 2M
aurora at midnight on Saturday (but that's a different report).
I can see that I'll need to buy me a 75' tower and 40 meter beam to
get closer to the top in this category. When conditions on 20 and 15
are not so hot you need to have good antennas on 40 and 80 to be able
to call CQ on those bands. Otherwise, be prepared to have hours
S&Ping at about a rate of 10-15. Luckily I was able to find a couple
of clear spots on 20 meters on Sunday afternoon. The rates were only
around 30 per hour, but that helped enough to get me over 100k for the
first time in QRP.
It would be quite interesting to see how I would do with a two radio
setup (can't justify buying another radio just for SS CW) and BIG
antennas (like W0AIH's). Still, I shouldn't complain. The computer
makes things easier than when I logged by hand and having two VFO's is
better than one. I don't suppose I'll ever think I have the right
setup for this - gives me something to work towards!!
72, 73
Jay Grokowsky
jgrokowsky at abc-cpa.com
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