[3830] K6ZZ SS CW SOHP Score and Commentary

Selbrede, Bob W. Selbrede at aria.edwards.af.mil
Thu Nov 12 16:07:33 EST 1998


    Contest Dates : 07-Nov-98, 08-Nov-98, 09-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : K6ZZ
         Operator : K6ZZ

         Category : Single Op High Power

 Default Exchange : # B K6ZZ 75 SJV

             Name : Bob Selbrede
          Address : 6200 Natoma Ave
   City/State/Zip : Mojave, CA.  93501
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : So. Cal. Contest Club
    Operating Time: 23 Hours

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   	Antenna's

   80CW      157         157        314       2 	Delta Loop at 100'
   40CW      275         275        550       5 	4 El at 105'
   20CW      302         301        602      16 	4 El at 118'
   15CW      377         376        752      56 	6 El at 55'

 Totals     1111        1109       2218      79 

    Final Score = 175,222 points.

Rig:	TS-940S, Alpha 76CA, TRLog

Comments:  What a difference a day makes.  I had a goal of 1250 Q's and a
Sweep and felt it was within reach when I shut down at 0900Z on the first
day.  I had close to 800 Q's in the log and needed MS, MB, AK, Mar and NL
for a sweep.  Sunday morning I had a real difficult time getting things
moving again.  I never did have any decent rates on Sunday.  I tried 20 at
1500Z and nothing much seemed to be happening.  Went to 40 and found a fair
amount of activity so I started in there.  It seemed like pulling teeth to
get a run of any kind going.  The upside is that the slower rates caused me
to S&P more than I might have otherwise done and I was able to find the
remaining mults I needed.  MS, MB and AK were fairly easy to find and work.
Found VO1MP on 15 at 1854Z with a huge pileup and just happened to catch him
as he was calling for 6's only.  Thanks, Gus!  The last mult I worked was
VE9XB at 2150Z when he answered my CQ.  Life is good.  I need to finish
hooking up my second TS-940S and all the antenna switches and filters so I
can take a crack at 2 radio operations.  I could have put it to good use on

73, Bob K6ZZ

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