[3830] N4VI SS CW SOLP

Chris Adams n4vi at diac.com
Thu Nov 12 20:58:02 EST 1998


    Contest Dates : 07-Nov-98, 08-Nov-98, 09-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : N4VI
         Operator : N4VI

         Category : Single Operator, Low Power

 Default Exchange : # A N4VI 68 CO

             Name : Chris Adams
          Address : 8494 Stoneridge Terrace
   City/State/Zip : Boulder, CO 80302-9355
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Mile High DX Association

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW       73          73        146       2   35' inverted vee	
   40CW      263         261        522      19   w8jk 20-35' high
   20CW      113         113        226      17   D-3 cushcraft rot
   15CW      149         148        296      23       "          "
   10CW       45          45         90      14       "          " 

 Totals      643         640       1280      75 

    Final Score = 96000 points.

Rig TS-870s
Logging by TR6.32
Op Time:  apx 23 hrs

Well an interesting contest.  This is the first time I have used TR to
it's fullest.  I spent Friday night setting up the log config and
messages.  Also imported last 2 years of sweepstakes logs into TRMaster
file.  Then I examined my previous efforts.  Frankly they were fairly
inept, my best cw effort being slightly under 400 q's.  So I was
delighted with 380 q's when I went to bed at 07:30z (with some time off
for dinner).  I was looking forward to Sunday and getting back to
20/15/10 meters.  Well I did make TWO 10 meter contacts on Sunday!!! 

Sunday morning was interesting as I got to "multiop" with my 2 year
old.  That basically called for putting 101 Dalmations on the TV and
hoping for the best.  Well, taking time off for her to eat and 2 diaper
changes combined with the poor conditions led to a general lack of
motivation.  When my wife and oldest daughter returned from church, I
was hoping things would improve but they didn't.  This led to an
extended lunch break, a shower and going outside to make sure my
antenna's weren't shorted together or had fallen down!

Sunday afternoon I kept one eye on the Bronco's game and slugged through
the mess.  Things did improve slightly in the evening and got some
mileage out of 80m the last 1 1/2 hours.  In retrospect, it is slightly
comforting to realize everyone had a tough time of it on Sunday.

Highlight of the contest was working Wyoming.  Seems like a simple thing
from Colorado, but I've never worked WY in any contest (all NAQP's and
Sweepstakes since 95 I think).  However, I had heard Paul, N0AH on
during CQ WW and when I read his 3830 posting realized he had moved to
Wyoming so was hopeful this would be the year.  Little did I realize
that I would work 3 Wyoming stations in less then an hour between 06:30
and 07:10 on 40 and 80 meters!

Major mistakes was probably not spending enough time on 20 meters. 
Probably missed a few mults.  Did hear VY1A on 80 meters at the end of
the contest (and on 3830 afterwords!), but no QSO.

Highlights... Easily the best QSO production and closest to a sweep
(they keep moving the target on me!).  Just missed the 100K mark,
hopefully will make that oh phone!  Missed sections were Nd, Sb, Nl,
Nwt.  I will find WB0O early next time!

Also interesting that best band was 40m with low w8jk.

See ya in ssb!


chris, n4vi

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