[3830] K1TR SS CW QRP

Ed Parsons esparsons at lucent.com
Fri Nov 13 10:32:20 EST 1998

K1TR SS CW QRP, Section = NH


      160        0        0        -
       80      170      340        -
       40      272      544        -
       20      204      408        -
       15      120      240        -
       10       19       38        -
     Totals    785     1570       78

               Score:  122,460

Station of K1DG
Eqpmt: FT-1000 and TS-940S
Ants: 80m: Dipole @ 60'
      40m: 2L @ 100'
      20m: 4L @ 110'
      15m: 4L @ 90'
      10m: 4L @ 100'

Windham, NH, has been home for such contest greats as K1DG,
K1AR, N6BV, K1TR? and others for years.  While I have been
building my modest VHF contest station, the others have
built up rather impressive HF contest stations (though still waiting
for K1AR...).  I had the privilege of operating
SS CW at N6BV/1 for several years; setting the
division record and winning the QRP category overall.  Now with
Dean off to a warmer climate in W6-land, Doug was kind enough
to offer his station to me.

To get Doug's station up to par for this contest season, we spent
part of a couple of weekends repairing antennas and installing
the 80m dipole.  Although I didn't use it, he also has a new 4-square
for 80m.

While I am satisfied with my results, I would have done
better had I:

 - Known that the TS940S antenna tuner doesn't auto tune like 
   my IC765.  The result was that I spent 2-3 hours on 80
   Saturday night running about 10 mW into the antenna.  I actually
   worked 6 stations!  At the time I attributed the poor performance
   to the geomagnetic condx, running QRP, and the loss of 
   N6BV's 2L quad.  Eventually I figured it out, with DG's input.

 - Remembered that this contest ends at 10 pm not 11 pm.  The
   result of this was that I thought I needed to take 7 hours
   of off time!  After taking my first 6.5 hours of off time,
   I realized that I wasn't operating an ARRL VHF contest,
   all of which end at 11 pm local time.  Obviously I am no 
   threat to HF contesting...

 - Worked MB section.  Never heard one.

 - Run "B" power.


 - VO1MP's first QSO when he asked for "QRP only" on Sunday.

 - Working VY1A on 20.  This was my first QRP SS QSO with VY1
   ever!  This is in large part due to the outstanding operator
   at VY1A.  Tnx VY1JA and KN5H!

Overall a lot of fun.  Congrats to W4PA and many thanks to my
host Doug, K1DG.

                                  Ed, K1TR

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