[3830] K1AM SS CW

Jeff Bouvier k1am at home.com
Sat Nov 14 05:24:59 EST 1998

                  '98 SWEEPSTAKES CW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 07-Nov-98, 08-Nov-98, 09-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : K1AM
         Operator : K1AM

         Category : Single Operator

 Default Exchange : #B K1AM 59 RI

         Team/Club : Yankee Clipper Contest Club

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW      129         129        258       5 
   40CW      379         379        758       0 
   20CW      665         664       1328      71 
   15CW       85          85        170       2 

 Totals     1258        1257       2514      78 

    Final Score = 196092 points.

RIG: FT-1000MP, ALPHA 87A (Used only 1 radio)
ANTENNAS: 80: 4-square
	  40: 2 ele. yagi up 100'
	  20: 4 ele. yagi up  60'
	  15: 4/4/4 stack 120/80/40'

 Soapbox Comments

        This has always been my favorite contest! As time
went on during the contest I thought to myself that there
would not be many sweeps this year. I never heard an NL
station. I was CQ'ing on 80 for quite a while hoping one
would call me. I worked more than 1 station in all sections
except MB (thanks VE4GV) but no NL. 
	I spent a lot of time on 20M because I "felt loud"
on that band. The switchbox for the 80m 4-square was not
working so struggled on that band. 
	At one point on Sunday I was thinking of taking a
long break and thought to myself that I really look forward
to this contest and I couldn't do it. Glad I didn't. This
score was a personal best. Must be getting better with
age.  :-)
	73, Jeff K1AM 

                       '98 SSCW RATE

  HOUR   80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   21       0       0      74       0      74      74
   22       0       0      75       0      75     149
   23       0       0      89       0      89     238

    0       0       0      71       0      71     309
    1       5      24       3       4      36     345
    2       0       3      55       0      58     403
    3      22       0       9       0      31     434
    4       0      62       0       0      62     496
    5       0      71       0       0      71     567
    6       0      15       0       0      15     582
    7       0       0       0       0       0     582
    8       0       0       0       0       0     582
    9       0       0       0       0       0     582
   10       0       0       0       0       0     582
   11       0       0       0       0       0     582
   12      36       0       0       0      36     618
   13       8      58       0       0      66     684
   14       0      65       0       0      65     749
   15       0      53       0       0      53     802
   16       0      14       5       0      19     821
   17       0       0      56       0      56     877
   18       0       0      58       0      58     935
   19       0       0      21      32      53     988
   20       0       3       0      49      52    1040
   21       0      11      33       0      44    1084
   22       0       0      33       0      33    1117
   23       0       0      51       0      51    1168

    0       2       0      31       0      33    1201
    1      28       0       0       0      28    1229
    2      27       0       0       0      27    1256
    3       1       0       0       0       1    1257

  TOTAL   129     379     664      85  

                    98 SSCW MULTS

   1.           Il   61
   2.           Oh   58
   3.           Mn   43
   4.          Scv   41
   5.           Va   39
   6.           Mi   36
   7.          NTx   36
   8.           Wi   35
   9.          Mdc   35
  10.          WNy   35
  11.          WWa   34
  12.           Ep   30
  13.           Co   29
  14.           Em   29
  15.          STx   28
  16.           Az   28
  17.           Tn   25
  18.           Nc   24
  19.          NNj   23
  20.           Sv   22
  21.           Or   21
  22.          Lax   20
  23.          SFl   20
  24.           Ky   19
  25.           In   19
  26.           Mo   19
  27.          Org   19
  28.          WPa   18
  29.           Ct   16
  30.           Eb   16
  31.           Nh   16
  32.          Sdg   16
  33.           Ia   15
  34.           On   14
  35.           Al   13
  36.           Wv   13
  37.          NFl   13
  38.          NLi   12
  39.           Ga   12
  40.          SNj   12
  41.           Ks   12
  42.           Ut   11
  43.           Ne   11 <- this section was rare not long ago
  44.           Ok   11
  45.          ENy   11
  46.           La    9
  47.           Ab    9
  48.           Nv    9
  49.           Nm    9
  50.           Vt    9 <- well represented!
  51.           Ak    9 <-  "       "
  52.           Sf    8
  53.           Mt    8
  54.           Sb    8
  55.           De    8
  56.           Sk    8
  57.           Sc    7
  58.           Ar    7
  59.           Id    7
  60.          Pac    7
  61.           Me    7
  62.          Sjv    6
  63.          WMa    6
  64.           Ri    6
  65.           Bc    5
  66.           Wy    4
  67.           Sd    4
  68.           Ew    4
  69.           Qc    4
  70.           Nd    3
  71.          NNy    3
  72.           Ms    2
  73.          Mar    2
  74.           Pr    2
  75.          WTx    2
  76.          Nwt    2 <- tks VY1A, VY1AC
  77.           Vi    2
  78.           Mb    1

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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