[3830] W5VX SOHP SS 1998
Bill Parry
w5vx at hiline.net
Sun Nov 15 12:39:29 EST 1998
W5VX Single OP ARRL Sweepstakes 1998
80 9
40 355
20 292
15 167
10 181
TOTAL 1004 79 Sections 16.2 hours STX
I have not operated SS seriously for 20 years. I decided last summer that I
wanted to be able to get back on in SS and finish my 5 Band DXCC so I took
down my 2 monobanders and put up a Force 12 C-3 tribander and a EF 240 2
element 40. I also traded in my trusty SB220 for a AL1500. My TS950 broke
about a month before SS so I had to borrow a TS850 from K5TSQ. 1200 Q's used
to win SS so I figured that that was a good goal for me, considering my lack
of experience and "advanced age".
I opened on 10 meters. Conditions were excellent. My first hour was in
excess of 100 a personal best for SS. The rate held up well and I was able
to stay on 10 for the first two hours. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stay
on 15 long because the band began to close soon after 10. Most signals began
to sound like deep Russia as soon as it got dark. I was very concerned about
my 40 meter Force 12 beam. Although it seems a like a peculiar little
antenna, it works well. As soon as I moved to 40 my rate began to pick up
again and stayed good until I went to bed at 0815. I was very pleased at
this point because I had 800 Qs.
I opened up Sunday morning at 1315 on 40 and the rate was a little slow but
I was confident until I moved to 20. The conditions on 20 - 10 seemed to
call apart almost immediately. The rates were slow for the rest of the
morning - below 50. I was determined to get to 1200 and felt that a little
"stick to it" would do the trick. Lots of CQs and SP. At approximately 1800Z
something happened to my little C-3. I think a coax connector or the balun
failed because I had a high SWR on all bands. Since I was not able to get up
to the antenna to check it out, I had to call it quits after 16.2 hours.
Some observations:
Lots of great operators.
Why do so many guys send 003 in stead of 3 for their number?
Why do some guys send "tnaa" instead of 091a?
I still recognize some of the guys that I used to work the CD Parties.
It's nice to hear "Hi Bill" even though I know its just part of TR.
Its good to have a contest where you really have to copy something.
Next year I will make more than 1200 QSOs!
This was as much fun as I remember. Now I have to get psyched up for SOAB
CQWWDXCW from 6D2X. Please be kind guys.
Bill, W5VX
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