[3830] WAE DC Claimed Scores -- III
Roy Maull
rmaull at access.mountain.net
Wed Nov 18 17:38:06 EST 1998
Please Note: I know there are only three classes in this contest. I have
included a score for single band, and know there is not such, but that is
what I received, and included it that way for comparison. Also, the power
level is for comparison. Multipliers are reported differently by the
scoring software, and that is what I use, I just am too lazy to recalculate
the WF1B scores:-):-) ENJOY!!!
WAE DC Claimed Scores
Call Class Q's QTC's Mults Score Power
NH6XM SOSB20 35 60 9 1710 LP
W7WHY SOAB 59 0 16 2242 HP
N6TQS SOAB 57 10 21 2881 LP
WA4ZBV SOAB 111 0 39 8658 LP
AH8LG SOAB 157 20 26 9204 HP
AH6OZ SOAB 132 74 31 13184 LP
W4JLS SOAB 86 118 32 14076 LP
HB9AWS SOAB 101 0 168 16968 LP
VE5CPU SOAB 228 90 33 22578 HP
K4WW SOAB 188 0 58 24064 HP
LA7CL SOAB 200 30 81 41400 LP
WA8RPK SOAB 221 100 62 43656 HP
W4/KL7Q SOAB 236 210 60 55304 LP
N1RCT SOAB 167 576 49 78015 LP
GU0SUP SOAB 245 70 105 78750 LP
KF2OG SOAB 269 307 79 92160 HP
K1AM SOAB 244 259 84 108648 HP
HA4YF SOAB 287 80 320 117440 HP
MI0BME SOAB 424 0 123 125928 HP
YL2KF SOAB 343 90 130 142890 HP
EA3GIP SOAB 328 209 304 163248 HP
YU7AE SOAB 370 87 138 165891 LP
DK3VN SOAB 348 209 137 189937 LP
F6IFY SOAB 363 249 388 237456 HP
S56A SOAB 403 186 426 250914 HP
RX3DCX SOAB 707 180 185 415116 LP
YU7AL MOST 530 430 438 420480 LP
YU7AM SOAB 610 400 494 498940 HP
OH2AG MOST 721 276 513 511461 HP
UN5PR SOAB 724 839 491 767433 HP
73.. Roy N8YYS
Keep West Virginia beautiful.. Grow ALUMINUM!!
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