[3830] W1EAT SS SSB 98 QRP

Tom Cooper cooper at gmpvt.com
Mon Nov 23 11:01:03 EST 1998

	W1EAT Vermont section

	414 QSO's
	 77 sections (no SF or YNT)
    63,756 points

	 18 hours 

	160' inverted-vee @ 35' (80 & 40m)
        30' inverted-vee @ 34' (20 & 15m)
        20' vertical dipole @ 33' (10m)

	Corsair II @ 5 watts 

	When the whatever-it-was hit at about 1610Z I was on 20M, which got real 
noisy and even the big guys sounded QRP.  What happened?  

	When we moved about 1/2 mile to this QTH, I used the TA program to see how
much of an improvement being on the side of a steep hill would be.  It said
it was
like adding an element or two to my antenna.  HA HA, sure, I thought.
Well, I'm a
believer now.  Too bad I didn't have more elements to start with.....

	Thanks to those who had to dig me out, and my appologies for being a speed

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