[3830] K5KA SS Phone SO LP

kladams at bvemx.ppco.com kladams at bvemx.ppco.com
Tue Nov 24 10:24:29 EST 1998

                            SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 21-Nov-98, 22-Nov-98, 23-Nov-98

    Callsign Used : K5KA
         Operator : K5KA

         Category : Single Op Low Power - 150 watts output

 Default Exchange : nr K5KA 77 OK

             Name : Ken Adams
          Address : 5201 Philson Farm Road
   City/State/Zip : Bartlesville, OK  74006
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Oklahoma DX Association

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80SSB     237         237        474       5
   40SSB     238         238        476       2
   20SSB     822         822       1644      72
   15SSB     170         170        340       0
   10SSB      14          14         28       0

 Totals     1481        1481       2962      79

    Final Score = 233,998 points.


 A Clean sweep and personal best on both modes after 20 years of SS!
 I spent a lot of time in 100+ degrees working on antennas and it was
 worth it.  Now...is there a senior category for those of us over 50?

 This was the best start I've ever had.  The worst part about being A
 power is that you eventually must go to 40 and 80.  80 is tolerable
 but I'm still a 1 radio operator and it does not have any DSP so 40
 is just gawd awful.  10 meters just never made prime time here.
 I had a very surprising 100+ hour Sunday morning  before "the event".
 I was madly cranking switches and even went outside to see if the
 antennas were damaged from my 40+ mph winds.   I just ran out of gas
 the last hour.

 SS is still the premo event (at least from the Heartland)!
 Thanks to all for the qso's and a special thanks to Jay, VY1A
 for being there.

                               1998 SS Phone Rate

  HOUR   80SSB   40SSB   20SSB   15SSB   10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   21       0       0     146       0       0     146     146
   22       0       0     136       0       0     136     282
   23       0       0     137       0       0     137     419
    0       0      14      40       8       0      62     481
    1       0      86       0       0       0      86     567
    2       3      40       8       0       0      51     618
    3      47       0       0       0       0      47     665
    4      38       6       1       0       0      45     710
    5      45       5       0       0       0      50     760
    6      16       2       0       0       0      18     778
    7       7       0       0       0       0       7     785
    8       0       0       0       0       0       0     785
    9       0       0       0       0       0       0     785
   10       0       0       0       0       0       0     785
   11       0       0       0       0       0       0     785
   12       3       1       0       0       0       4     789
   13       3       8      21       0       0      32     821
   14       0       0     102       0       0     102     923
   15       0       0      28      22       1      51     974
   16       0       0      17      42       0      59    1033
   17       0       0       8       9      12      29    1062
   18       0       0       0      21       0      21    1083
   19       0       0       0      56       0      56    1139
   20       0       0      50      12       1      63    1202
   21       0       0      51       0       0      51    1253
   22       0       0      40       0       0      40    1293
   23       1       5      37       0       0      43    1336
    0       0      68       0       0       0      68    1404
    1      53       0       0       0       0      53    1457
    2      21       3       0       0       0      24    1481

  TOTAL   237     238     822     170      14

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