[3830] VE6JY SS Story
Todd Bendtsen
ve5mx at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Nov 27 04:35:27 EST 1998
HI All
That was a blast. My best ever effort. Started on 10m because it sounded good
and I didnt know if we would get another shot at it being open from up here.
Opened with a 143 hour. Moved to 15m part way through the 22Z hour and the
rate kept on coming. Moved to 20m in the 00Z hour and rattled off an hour of
122 including my 1st second radio contact, thanks KL7Y. Made 72 second radio
Q's all weekend including MT for the mult. Rate stayed above 50Q/hr all
evening. At 0704Z I work VE7SZ on the second radio, Gary is 6 Q's ahead of me,
uh oh. Stay on until just after 0900Z when I work VO1AA for the sweep.
I take 3:22 off and come back on and make 21 Q's on 40 and 80 and take another
1/2 hour off. Come back make 2 Q's and take 1:37 off leaving me with 1/2 hour
to take through the day. I come back on at 15:08 to answer K4VUD who is
calling CQ AB. He sounds happy when I answer. I find a spot to run on 15m and
have at it. At 1630Z VO1MP stops by and asks if 20m is dead for me too. uh-oh.
Sure enough it is. So I keep running on 15m. At 1704Z I land on 28.490 and
thats where I stayed until 22:33. The band is phenomenol for me. Open to both
coasts and lots of stations to work. But I know it cant last, we've had a
flare right? Pretty soon I'll be talking to myself or VY1A and that will be
it. Glad that never came to be. My rates through the solar flare from 16Z
through 18Z were 119,118, and 106. I'm thinking what solar flare? About 2100Z
I run across VE7SZ again. uh-oh. We're neck and neck. I never heard Gary the
rest of the contest. After 10m dies at 22:30 I take my last 1/2 hour of off
time. Back on at 23:10 but 15m is fading fast. At 23:55 I'm down on 20m
slugging it out with everybody else. The band stays good and I dont go to 40m
until 01:15Z. I find a spot way down low on 40m and in the last hour of the
contest I rattle off 89 Q's. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
My heartfelt thanks to Don, VE6JY for the use of his superb station and the
great hospitality. The station ran flawlessly as usual.
And also to Gary VE7NTT for pushing me so hard all weekend.
Thanks for all the Q's everybody.
73 Todd
> Contest Dates : 21-Nov-98, 22-Nov-98, 23-Nov-98
> Callsign Used : VE6JY
> Operator : VE5MX
> Category : s/op hp
> Default Exchange : SN# B VE6JY 85 AB
> Name : Don Moman
> Address : Box 127
> City/State/Zip : Lamont,Alberta T0B 2R0
> Country : Canada
> BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
> __________________________________________________
> 80SSB 182 179 358 1 4 ele at 160'
> 40SSB 434 405 810 7 3el @145', 4-30 log
> 20SSB 436 421 842 7 5/5/5 @160/110/55
> 15SSB 419 402 804 21 6/6/6/6 @
> 145/105/70/35
> 10SSB 788 764 1528 43 7el @ 120', 7el @ 55'
> __________________________________________________
> Totals 2259 2171 4342 79
> Final Score = 343,018 points.
> ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- -----
> 21 0 0 0 0 143 143 143
> 22 0 0 0 28 97 125 268
> 23 0 0 2 130 0 132 400
> 0 0 0 121 1 0 122 522
> 1 0 0 114 0 0 114 636
> 2 0 8 84 0 0 92 728
> 3 0 101 0 0 0 101 829
> 4 2 94 0 0 0 96 925
> 5 44 22 0 0 0 66 991
> 6 77 2 0 0 0 79 1070
> 7 34 19 0 0 0 53 1123
> 8 13 48 0 0 0 61 1184
> 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 1185
> 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1185
> 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1185
> 12 5 16 0 0 0 21 1206
> 13 0 1 1 0 0 2 1208
> 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1208
> 15 0 0 5 59 0 64 1272
> 16 0 0 1 118 0 119 1391
> 17 0 0 0 5 113 118 1509
> 18 0 0 0 5 101 106 1615
> 19 0 0 0 4 93 97 1712
> 20 0 0 2 0 95 97 1809
> 21 0 0 0 0 100 100 1909
> 22 0 0 1 4 46 51 1960
> 23 0 0 7 65 0 72 2032
> 0 0 0 77 0 0 77 2109
> 1 4 36 21 0 0 61 2170
> 2 3 86 0 0 0 89 2259
> TOTAL 182 434 436 419 788
> 1. Oh 129
> 2. Il 108
> 3. Mi 98
> 4. Va 89
> 5. NTx 71
> 6. STx 68
> 7. Mdc 61
> 8. Az 56
> 9. Ep 53
> 10. In 50
> 11. WNy 50
> 12. Mn 47
> 13. NNj 45
> 14. Nc 45
> 15. Scv 45
> 16. Tn 44
> 17. WWa 42
> 18. Lax 41
> 19. Mo 39
> 20. ENy 39
> 21. Ky 38
> 22. Ga 34
> 23. Co 34
> 24. Em 33
> 25. Ct 33
> 26. Ks 33
> 27. WPa 32
> 28. Org 32
> 29. SNj 31
> 30. Or 31
> 31. Wi 29
> 32. On 28
> 33. NLi 28
> 34. Nm 27
> 35. Ok 26
> 36. Al 26
> 37. Sv 25
> 38. NFl 24
> 39. Sjv 23
> 40. La 22
> 41. Nh 22
> 42. Ar 22
> 43. Wv 21
> 44. Eb 21
> 45. SFl 20
> 46. Me 19
> 47. Ia 19
> 48. Sdg 18
> 49. Sb 17
> 50. WMa 17
> 51. Bc 16
> 52. Ms 14
> 53. Sc 14
> 54. Vt 13
> 55. Sf 13
> 56. Ne 13
> 57. Ew 13
> 58. Ri 12
> 59. Id 12
> 60. Sk 12
> 61. De 11
> 62. Ut 11
> 63. Wy 10
> 64. WTx 9
> 65. NNy 9
> 66. Ab 9
> 67. Qc 7
> 68. Mar 7
> 69. Pac 7
> 70. Nd 6
> 71. Mt 6
> 72. Ak 5
> 73. Nv 5
> 74. Sd 5
> 75. Pr 4
> 76. Mb 4
> 77. Nl 3
> 78. Vi 2
> 79. Nwt 2
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