William Straw
wb0o at metigoshe.ndak.net
Sun Nov 29 18:57:22 EST 1998
160M 24 11 14 INV-L
80M 118 22 60 4-SQUARE
40M 173 34 79 4-SQUARE
20M 469 34 86 TH7 @ 50'
15M 617 33 102 (QTH is on a 400' hill)
10M 335 27 66
1736 161 407 = 2,811,032
RADIO: Ten Tec OMNI VI+, ALPHA , NA 10.+
I'm sure glad Kelly, VE4XT, came out for Phone SS last weekend,
it spared my energy for this one! 1996 Q's and a sweep his first time
here. Too bad you have to be "DX" to win our "domestic" SS.
160M- No JA, No EU this year.
80M- No EU on Friday, some EU/JA on Saturday, but way down
from previous years. THE HIGHLIGHT of the whole contest
was the Sunday morning LONG PATH opening exactly at
my sunrise. RU1A, YL2SM, A45ZN, UN7CW, and a bunch
of OH/SM in 15 minutes!!! Simply amazing !!!
40M- Always frustrating.
20/15/10M- The 10M EU opening lasted 1 hour each day, but I'll
take it. I'd almost forgotten how much fun DX contesting can
be, it makes me want to put up more antennas!
73 BILL WB0O in northern North Dakota, 10 miles from VE4-land.
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