[3830] VE3STT 98CQWW CW - soablp

David Jones djones at hwcn.org
Sun Nov 29 20:24:33 EST 1998

                           CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST
     Call used: VE3STT                    Location: Canada (Zone 04)
     Category: Single Op All Band LOW POWER    Mode: CW   Power: 100W
     Callsign of Operator: VE3STT
     Exchanged Information: VE3STT RST 04  
     Hours of Operation: 32:00
     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys
     160        2        2        1        2
      80       43       86        3        4
      40      143      358       13       38
      20      290      767       19       72
      15      306      831       22       69
      10      152      397       20       56
     TOTAL    936     2441       78      241         SCORE: 778,679
     Comments: Had nothing else to dao but contesting this weekend!
     The score reflects that.  Thanks to a couple of weeks of serious
     "Ped" training I had my best CW contest ever and even ran a few
     stations in the higher portion of the CW band!

David Jones  VE3STT
e-mail: djones at hwcn.org

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