[3830] W1NR CQWW CW 1998 M/S

Mike McCarthy, W1NR w1nr at eecorp.com
Mon Nov 30 07:37:05 EST 1998

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: W1NR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160       10       19     1.90      6       7
       80       86      241     2.80     15      57
       40      202      571     2.83     33     103
       20      165      467     2.83     35      99
       15      148      422     2.85     34      92
       10      162      455     2.81     26      89

     Totals    773     2175     2.81    149     447  =>  1,296,300

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: W1NR, W1BK

Equipment Description:

TS-940S, TS-850S
Homebrew 4-1000, SB-220
160M Shunt fed 110' tower, south half sloper
80M Remote tuned inverted V at 110'
40M Cushcraft 40-2CD at 120'
20M Hygain 205BA at 110'
15M Homebrew 4el W2PV yagi at 70'
10M Homebrew 6el W2PV yagi at 60'
386-40, CT v9.27

Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature: Michael A. McCarthy, W1NR


               Michael A. Mc Carthy  W1NR
               4 Barnes Circle
               Marlborough, MA 01752

Best conditions I've seen in many many years.  Probably the best 40M conditions
I have ever seen.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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