[3830] W3PP 98 CQWW CW M/M Score

Dallas Carter ludal at dmv.com
Mon Nov 30 10:29:40 EST 1998

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

      Call: W3PP                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi
      Zone: 05


      160       77      192     2.49     15      51
       80      442     1214     2.75     25      93
       40     1067     3066     2.87     34     122
       20     1800     5224     2.90     37     151
       15     1386     4027     2.91     36     124
       10      916     2626     2.87     30     120

     Totals   5688    16349     2.87    177     661  =>  13,700,462

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: W3PP AA1K NW3Y N6ZO K3FT KS3F NX3A 
+ a helping hand from KE3ZR KW3Z and N3HUV

Equipment Description:

Club Affiliation: Frankford Radio Club

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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