[3830] N3ZA CQWW CW SOA score

Moe Mosheim - N3ZA mmosh at mail13.voicenet.com
Mon Nov 30 20:12:06 EST 1998

Well, finally broke a meg in this contest! Excellent condx the whole
time. 160 was very quiet the second nite - got a few EU's & AF.
Here's the breakdown...
      160            26            11           19
       80             61            15           44
       40             84            23           64
       20           188           34         103
       15           176           34         105
       10           190           25           91
     Totals    725         142          426  ===>  1,146,792
Small pistol station...
Kenwood TS-830S
Dentron MLA-2500 amp
Cushcraft A3 at 55 ft (17 meters)
Alpha-Delta DX-A dual sloper 160/80
40M sloper towards EU

Club Affiliation - FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB   (PA - USA)

Web page..   http://www.voicenet.com/~mmosh/

73 de Moe - N3ZA

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